For you remember, brethren, our labor and toil; for laboring night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, we preached to you the gospel of God. 1 Thess. 2:9
The weather man on the news today said this is usually the hottest week of the year in Eastern North Carolina. In days like today, when I begin to think how hot it is here, my mind often goes to those laborers around the world who are serving Christ in difficult weather situations. When you see how cyclones are hurling the southeast Asia shores and islands, remember our family laborers who work the harvest fields there.
When you watch the soccer spectators shivering in South Africa, IN JULY, remember our family who are toiling there. Many of them have no heat in their homes.
This week we have 12 family members in Dominican Republic, and when you hear the weather man say, "It is tropical storms all week over Dominican"-remember them. We also have 15 in Phoenix, where the high was only 109 today, and 111 tomorrow. Remember them.
In fact, every day around the globe, as you hear of earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, volcanoes, blizzards, and blazing heat, just bow your head and before God remember those who are toiling in the fields of souls in the midst of those circumstances.
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