Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stay on the Path

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct[a] your paths. Prov. 3:5,6

In our morning worship celebrations today, Brother Preston Garner resigned as our Associate Pastor of Worship, effective June 20. God has used him greatly during the five months he has been with us.
You will have to admit, it has been a very busy five months: Experiencing God Weekend, Spiritual Leadership Conference, Fresh Encounter, East Coast Men's Bible Conference and Women's Conference, Resurrection Celebration, Remember the Veteran's Day......busy. Plus our usually exciting, fast-paced weekly worship celebrations.
Why is he leaving us after such a short time? He has said to me, to the staff, and now to our church family, it is to get back on the path God has purposed for his life-itinerant music evangelism. He and his wife believe this is the path God has planned for his life. It is an uncertain path which one must live by faith from week to week. No guaranteed income, benefits or security. Preston said today he believes he got off that path to come to the security of ministry at Englewood. He has made the decision to take his family back to live where their families are in East Tennessee, and to get back on path.
Just like a hiker who notices someone hurt "off the beaten path", I believe God allowed the Garner's to step away from their appointed path these five months in order to help us. Now it is time to get back on path. As surely as God has a path for each of each, as surely as NASA has a path for every spacecraft, God has a projected path for Englewood Baptist Church. I am excited to see where the next step in the journey takes us.
I would ask you to pray for the Garner family, for all the staff, and for all our graduates we saw today in our services, that each one will stay on the path God has for each and every one of us.
Find God's path for your life.
Focus on His path.
Follow His path.

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