Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wanted: Harvest Laborers

The Scriptures teach that the one priority, the one concern of the Savior's heart is the harvest. He seeks the harvest; He saves the harvest; He sends us to the harvest. Since that is true, the people whom He chooses to fellowship with are harvest laborers.

For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. Matthew 20:1

He is still looking for laborers today. Not entertainers, not professionals, not experts-common laborers. To be a good farmer, it is not required that you completely understand biology, chemistry, meteorology or botany.What you have to do is sow and reap.
To be a laborer in the field of souls you don't have to understand all theology, eschatology, or ecclesiology; just sow and reap. Just tell them the gospel and ask them to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Sow and reap.

And He spoke many things to them in parables, saying, "Behold, the sower went out to sow; Matthew 13:3

No, not all seed will produce. Some will fall on cold hearts; some on cluttered hearts; and some on careless hearts. But if we sow enough seed, some will fall on hearts that have been cultivated by the Holy Spirit and are warm, receptive, fertile hearts. Only God can convict a heart. I sow the seed; God convicts the heart.

Happy is the farmer that knows the difference between his responsibility and God's responsibility. God doesn't sow the seed or cultivate the soil, that is the farmer's responsibility. But after the seed is sown, the farmer has to trust God. Only God can bring life out of death.
I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives. John 12:24

Would you join me in the harvest? The fields are ready to harvest now. God is looking for sowers and reapers. As the words of Twila Paris invite,
Come and join the reapers
All the kingdom seekers
Laying down your life
To find it in the end
Come and share the harvest
Help to light the darkness
For the Lord is calling
Faithful men
(and women, and students, and prime timers)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lord of the Harvest

But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:36-38

3 Facts:
1. The number of lost souls in the global fields of harvest is plentiful.
2. The number of laborers working to bring in the harvest is pitiful.
3. Our greatest response to this need is to pray.

Today, there are over 6.804 billion people on this earth, and 5.443 billion souls are lost; without Christ, without hope, heading to an awful eternity. The harvest is plentiful.

In our nation, there are 258 million people who are not a part of any church of any denomination-lost. There is not one county in our nation, not one in any of the fifty states, that has over 50% of the population in some church. Not one county is "churched" in this whole country. The harvest is plentiful.

In the state of North Carolina, with thousands of churches of all kinds and sizes, there are nearly 6 million people who will not be in any church this Sunday. Lost. The harvest is plentiful.

There are over 146,000 people living in Nash and Edgecombe counties. Research shows that one out of three people in our area will attend some kind of a church service at least one Sunday in a year. IF every person who stepped inside of a church building one time a year would all go to heaven, that still would mean there are over 98,000 people living within 30 minutes of our church property that are lost and heading for a Christless eternity. The harvest is plentiful!

Our precious Savior came to earth for the harvest. He died for the harvest. Soon, He is coming back for the harvest. His main concern today and tomorrow is not the election, the economy, or the environment; He is concerned only about the harvest. He is- the Lord of the harvest.

Would you join Him? You can, by praying and by participating in the harvest. Pray that He would send out laborers into the harvest fields of our area, into our nation, and to the world.

There are over 269,000 people in one unreached, unengaged people group in India called the Koli Malhar. There is not one church among all these people. Lost.

Pray that He would send a couple from Englewood, either a married couple or two single adults or college students, to live for 8-12 months among the Koli of India. This mission team of two would follow-up on those who give their life to Christ when our volunteer teams go there in February and April of 2011. Pray that this team of two would hear His call, heed His call and be ready to go to India in February of 2011.

Pray, and then be the answer to someone else's prayer by personally going out into the harvest.